With the high penetration of renewable energy\r\nsources, the reliability of power systems becomes more\r\nvulnerable than ever because of the greater uncertainty and\r\nintermittence in power generation. Reactive power plays an\r\nimportant role in the power system reliability, because it is\r\nclosely related to the system voltage stability and voltage\r\ncollapse. However, reactive power-related reliability issues\r\nare seldom emphasized in conventional power reliability\r\nevaluations. This article investigates power system reliability\r\nof real and reactive power. Real and reactive power\r\nshortages and the associated voltage violations due to\r\nsystem failures are considered on reliability evaluation of\r\npower systems. A three-stage load-shedding technique for\r\npost contingencies is implemented to determine the contributions\r\nof real and reactive power on the system reliability\r\nand to find an optimal way to release network\r\nviolation. The results provide the detailed information on\r\npower system planning and operation for system planners\r\nand operators from real and reactive power aspects.